Generative AI

to make pretty QR Codes

Presented by Evelyn J. Boettcher


What is Generative AI

Generative AI generates new content based on an input(s). Inputs and outputs to these models can include text, images, sounds, animation, 3D models, or other types of data.

How Does Generative AI Work?

Generative AI models use neural networks to identify the patterns and structures within existing data to generate new and original content.

Real image from Wikipedia

What is a QR (Quick Response) Code

Invented in 1994, by Japanese company Denso Wave for labelling automobile parts.

A QR code (quick-response code) is a type of two-dimensional matrix barcode.

A QR code consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background, with fiducial markers.

It is read by a camera, and processed using Reed–Solomon error correction until the image can be appropriately interpreted. (wikipedia)

You can store any text in a QR Code.

Binary Encoder

By Bobmath - Own work, CC0

What is a bit/byte and Binary?

  • Bit: 0 or 1: Black or White
  • Byte: 8 Bits


  • 00000001 = 1
  • 00000010 = 2
  • 00000100 = 4
  • 00010100 = 36
  • 11111111 = 255 aka \(2^8-1\)

Importance of Black and White

  • Thresholding

  • Colors

  • Filled or partical filled squares. Which is why the below all work.

Gen AI QR is not

  • QR with cut out and art pasted in
    • With High reliable QR setting you can replace up to 35% of the image.

  • QR cut and pasted into an image

Gen AI QR: GemCity.TECH

Gen AI QR takes advantage of the fact that you do not need full squares and colors (for plain qr) is not used.


promt: GemCity TECH’s mission is to grow the Dayton industry and the Gem City community by providing a centralized destination for technical training, workshops and providing a forum for collaborating

Black and White


  • QuickAR Art
  • Stable Diffusion (seems really popular)
  • Hugging Face: Could not get nice ones